泽稷教育 > 资讯中心 > 资讯中心 > USCPA >


作者: 泽稷小编 时间: 2019-08-30 09:58
  Becker系统中最新课程内容已经发布,学员可登陆Becker下载最新版本的课程,分别是:FAR V3.3,AUD V3.3,BEC V3.2.其中,REG已于10月提前发布更新内容。
  泽稷教育小编特别提醒:打算在12月10日之前参加考试的同学,请仍使用现有版本(V3.2 for AUD and FAR and V3.1 for BEC);打算在明年1月后参加考试的学员,请使用新版本的教材进行学习。
  F2 Module 8 was updated to bring ratio formulas in line with the formulas that are provided on the CPA Exam,when relevant,as a TBS exhibit titled“Analytics Definitions”.
  F6 Modules 1 and 2 were updated for ASU 2016-02.Note that V3.2 F6 Module 3 Sale-Leaseback was deleted and subsequent modules were renumbered in V3.3.
  F6 Modules 6 and 7 were updated for the tax implications of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017.
  F9 Module 2 and F10 Module 2 were updated for GASB 84.Minor related changes were made to other modules in F9 and F10.
  A1 Module 10 was updated for SAS 133.
  A3 Module 7 was updated to bring ratio formulas in line with the formulas that are provided on the CPA Exam,when relevant,as a TBS exhibit titled“Analytics Definitions”.
  B2 Modules 1 and 9 were updated for ASU 2016-02.
  B4 Module 3 was updated to bring ratio formulas in line with the formulas that are provided on the CPA Exam,when relevant,as a TBS exhibit titled“Analytics Definitions”.Corresponding changes were also made to formulas in B2 Modules 1,2,3,and 9.
  100 additional CPA SkillMaster Videos have been added to select simulations in all four sections of the course.
  Various errata have been corrected in the AUD,BEC,FAR,and REG courses.
  除了考试内容更新之外,Becker软件的部分功能也进行了升级优化,例如,Progress test报告的改进升级、查阅模拟测验的历史记录等具体内容如下:
  Option to include task-based simulations on progress tests
  Improved progress test reports
  Ability to view history of mock exam attempts
  Improved mock exam review experience
  Ability to highlight text on exhibits while doing task-based simulations to mimic the CPA exam
  Various minor usability improvements



