作者:泽稷编辑 发布时间:2017-12-19 13:02

ACCA F9 Financial Management
Section A – 15 objective test questions.
Section B – 15 OT questions from three OT cases.
Section C – Two questions.
Section A-15道客观选择
Section B-3个案例,每个案例5道选择
Section C-两道综合题
Formula sheet公式表
Present value & annuity tables.现值和年金表
考官担心很多考生都没有认出考试所提供的公式!F9的考生需要知道考试是有提供公式表、现值和年金表并且要知道如何把公式运用到答案中。考试的时候给考生提供表是为了节约考生的时间。考官说:在3月份,F9的通过率一下子下降了很多,不过这也仅仅是反映出了一部分学生的表现更差了。“太多学生还是太关注investment appraisal这个部分,以至于忽略了ACCA考纲中其他的重点。”同时,考官也希望考生们去熟悉使用考试中提供的表。不要丢失最基础的分数。
考官还呼吁考生们要学习整个教学大纲(而不仅仅是某一些重要的部分)。同时,也鼓励考生们去好好利用 ACCA Study Guide来扫除难点。考官还指出,他出题的时候就有使用Study Guide。(所以一定要好好利用Study Guide啊!!)
考官也恳求考生们去仔细读一读他的Examiner’s Report——因为那是他花了两天去写的!!
F9 examiner’s top tips
Calculator errors – normally lose half a mark.
Mathematical errors – more serious and will give candidates problems at CBE – they have to know the formula they are putting into the spreadsheet.
Errors of principles.
Lack of knowledge – he sympathised with students who don’t have a perfect learning environment and don’t have unlimited time. But planning your studies is a key to success.
Time allocation – get it right.
It’s the same marking team for CBE and PBE. For the CBE it’s vital to pick the right cell and made your answers ‘easy to find’。
The question-setting process is well-established so look at past papers.
There is rigorous quality control in the marking.
When he asks for three answers don’t provide five – the first three are what is marked, not the best of three out of five.
我们发布ACCA exam tips 不是用来给你押题的,是汇总本次考试的重要关键信息可帮你节省ACCA考试时间。文中有部分知识点的整理,更重要的是考试答题技巧的汇总,以及考前准备。押题复习不可取,大家借助本文参考资深考官给出的考试答题技巧更加重要。备考的你一定要全面复习,方可战胜ACCA。
Part A: MCQs will be from any syllabus area.
Part B: Some frequently tested areas in the past were
NPV with Inflation and Taxation
Cash operating cycle
Receivable, Payable & Inventory Management
Financial Gearing
Cost of Equity & Debt
Foreign Exchange Risk Management
Interest Rate Risk Management
Sources of Finance
Don’t just keep focusing on numbers. Although the numbers are important but approximately half of the marks are for the written elements. Prepare every topic thoroughly to increase chances of passing the exam.
Section A – the MCQs/OTs will often be knowledge based and will out the questions in section B and C. Likely to be a good number of questions testing your understanding of financial management and objectives (ratio analysis, the concept of shareholder wealth), as well as the economic environment and financial institutions topics (financial intermediation, fiscal and monetary policies)。 The efficient hypothesis is likely to be tested here too.
Section B commonly tested areas are:
Working capital management – operating cycle, the impact of a change in credit period or accepting a factor’s offer.
Business or security valuations – methods of valuation.
Financial risk management – currency risk or an interest rate risk.
Section C – two 20-mark questions, which will focus mainly on syllabus section C, D and E.
Section C is working capital management, section D is investment appraisal and is likely to feature NPV with inflation and tax. Section E is business finance – either an evaluation of financing options (interest coverage & gearing ratios) or a cost of capital calculation most likely.
Whichever of these three topics does not feature in section C is likely to appear in section B.
Section A: Various questions from across the syllabus.
Section B: Valuations and risk management.
Section C: Investment appraisal, including an NPV and business finance